Don’t Believe Everything You Hear


Don’t believe the saying that goes…

“Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me”

Actually, the things people say to us can be devastating. The better way to say it would be, Sticks and stones may break bones, but words hurt forever.  Your body may remain unharmed, but your heart suffers the deadly shrapnel of painful phrases. 

David, who knew all about having people thrash him with their words,

“They sharpen their tongues like swords and aim cruel words like deadly arrows” (Psalms 64:3)

If you are like most people, you can recall at least one of the toxic phrases that have been directed at you.  And with it, you can recall the pain that someone’s harsh words caused.  You might even still hear words from years ago, playing like an endless loop in your mind.  Echoing inside you every day are words like…

“You’ll never amount to anything.”

“I wish I never had you.”

“You’re nothing like your brother.”

“I’m sick of you.”

“I never loved you.”

“You’ll never change.”

These kinds of words can get etched in your memory and shape your life in many painful and debilitating ways. 

While you can’t control what people have said, or say to you, you can control whether or not you believe it.  When you hear the words of others you can choose to receive them as truth, or reject them as lies.

Because words can have such a destructive impact on you, you’ve got to passionately guard your heart against them. Doing whatever it takes to keep the poison out of your heart.  God says,

“Listen closely to my words…Above all else, guard your heart, for it is the wellspring of life” (Proverbs 4:20, 23)

When someone says something to you, or about you, it must be put in the light of what God says about you.  Are their words true? Are their words supported by God’s Word?  If so, embrace them.  Allow those life-giving words to minister to your soul and conform you to the image of Christ.

If their words are untrue, mean-spirited, and critical without being constructive, then reject those words.  Don’t let them into your soul.  Put them in the trash. Delete those toxic words and insert the truth.  Don’t believe what you’ve heard!

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