What do you think of when you hear the words, “super-size”? Probably you think of McDonalds and that tempting question they ask you when you order a Big Mac combo: “Would you like to super-size your order?” But because you adhere to such a strict diet J you politely say, “No thanks.” However, if you did say yes, you would have a large enough carton of French fries to feed a small village, and enough soda to wash it all down.
The idea of super-sizing something is not uncommon in our culture. In fact, we have come to expect that there is always a larger, bigger option. And it’s not limited to food. There are super-sized cars, super-sized TVs, super-sized airliners, etc.
But what about super-sized faith?
The kind of faith that expects things to be larger and bigger. Faith that sees more potential and possibility. Faith that believes for the impossible to happen. It’s sad, but this kind of super-sizing is not as common as what’s being served a Mickey-D’s.
Jesus asked His disciples who people thought He was. They gave their answer. Then Jesus asked His disciples who they thought He was. No one answered. After a few awkward moments, Peter cleared his throat and said,
“We know, and have come to believe that You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God.” (John 6:69)
Jesus was thoroughly impressed with Peter’s answer. He responded by saying,
“Blessed are you Simon…You’re now Peter, a rock as opposed to a willow, upon whom I will build my church upon and the gates of hell shall prevail against you. I’m giving you spiritual keys to bind and loose.”
You could say that Peter’s faith got super-sized. But how did this happen? The answer is found in something that Jesus also said to Peter,
“Flesh and blood did not reveal this to you, but My Father Who is in heaven.”
What kinds of things does God want to reveal to us today? Peter’s faith was enlarged by what God had revealed to Him. Ours can be too. Let’s trust the Father to super-size our faith!
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