Barrio San Pablo Renovations in Progress!


Hey church family! Our Regen team has been hard at work the past few days. All of our focus has been on doing some serious renovations to the oldest Four Square church in Barrio San Pablo, run by Pastor Francisco and his wife. The inside needed a serious face lift, as well as one of the children’s ministry rooms. A lot of the walls had some major water damage so we scraped it all off, spackled it, and gave them a fresh layer of paint.

Upstairs a group painted a mural idea that our very own Desiree Garcia spent several weeks creating specifically for this church. The finished product (see above picture) is beautiful and was so loved that another pastor who saw it requested one be done for his school. Our two other big tasks were painting the back wall of the church a dark grey (which required our guys to use scaffolding) and installing a sound system, lights, and a projector screen. These were quite the challenge since there was no real system set up prior so everything had to be done from scratch, but our tech team got it up and running! These projects were immediately met with quite a few setbacks, but thankfully our God is so faithful to provide and to stop the plans of the enemy.

Thank you so much to those who donated and provided more than enough for the supplies needed for all this to happen, you are the reason why our ideas were able to become a reality. These new upgrades will totally bless this church’s congregation and will open a door for God to draw in new people. We are so excited to see what the Lord has for the people of the Barrio San Pablo community, and we are even more blessed to be able to take part in it.

Lastly, Happy Fourth of July to everybody! Though we may be over 5,000 miles away from home we are still celebrating the independence of our amazing country through a beautiful hike and of course fireworks. Tomorrow we will be back at it again, with half the team going to the school to spend time with kids and the other half fine-tuning some tech details. Thank you for all your prayers and support during this journey so far, and we ask that you continue to pray for God’s work to be completed.

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