
The Stronghold of Faith


All that Jesus offers us is delivered by faith

Faith is the most important force in the entire universe. Jesus said, “All things are possible to him who believes” (Mark 9:23). Faith empowers us to operate in the very realm of God.

Nothing comes from heaven except by faith.  As free as salvation is, it comes to us by faith.  Every provision in redemption is only deliverable by faith.  Without faith it is impossible for us to access our inheritance.

Faith is not a mere biblical principle, nor is faith a religious theory or logic. Faith is actually a powerful spiritual force.

Faith is our access to God

When the woman touched the hem of Jesus’ garment, Jesus felt power go out from him. Faith draws on the power of God and imparts it to our lives. Faith confers God’s power to humans and is the platform for breakthrough and victory.

And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. (1 John 5:4)

Faith comes not just by hearing the Word of God, but principally by hearing from God. Hearing God is how faith is made strong. The voice of God is the cure to unbelief. All great stories of faith are traceable to, “God told me”.

Hearing from God is the stronghold of faith

Hearing the voice of God is the greatest cure for the doubts of life. If you have access to God’s voice there is a freedom and confidence unlike anything else. Even when it seems impossible in the natural, faith combined with what God has said is unstoppable.

The strength of Abraham’s faith was from hearing the voice of God. The strength of Moses’ faith was from hearing the voice of God. The strength of Jesus’ faith was from hearing the voice of God.

God still speaks today

Jesus said,

My sheep listen to my voice; I know them, and they follow me. (John 10:27, NLT)

Hearing the voice of God is a privilege that the Bible says belongs to every believer (Rom. 8:14). We get familiar with God’s voice by knowing His Word. And that understanding of the written Word that will fine-tune our ears to the voice of God, which in turn will make our faith strong to act on what He has said.

Great faith, like great strength, is revealed by the ease of its workings. Weak faith comes from failing to hear God’s voice. And hearing from God isn’t a matter of whether He’s talking, but rather, whether we’re listening.




Freedom from Bondage


It sounds like work!

“Breaking free from bondage.” Just that the sound of that phrase brings a certain amount of dread to most of us. It’s what’s needed to be free, but it’s so strenuous and downright uncomfortable. For the people trying to break free from long-term habits, stubborn issues like losing weight, or reaching a health or fitness goal, freedom equals pain.

The reason change often seems so difficult is that we are trying to make it happen backwards. We begin with the denial of a particular act or item, but the Bible says, “as a man thinks in his heart, so is he”, (Proverbs 23:7). This means that if you are ever going to experience freedom in any area, you are going to have to start seeing yourself, and thinking about yourself, as free on the inside before you see it on the outside.

A lasting change in any area takes place right in between your ears, in your mind. Our enemy, the devil, attacks us in one primary area—our minds. He does so with lies and deception that traps into thinking that we are, and always will be, slaves to the bondage that is in our lives. He knows that as long as he can get you to believe you are a slave to a certain habit, behavior, or thing, you will never be able to break free.

Counter that lie!

The truth is that Christ came to set us free from ALL bondage! In fact, if you are born again, the Bible says you are ALREADY free.

Whom the son has set free, is free indeed. (John 8:36)

This means that when you ask Jesus to come into your life, you THEN are free from the power that sin once had over you. Like a person who was in a jail cell with the door locked, Jesus came and unlocked the door, and said, “come on out, you’re free!”

But just as you are making your way out of the jail cell of your old life, Satan says, “Wait, who told you that you could leave? You are not really free, and you never will be. You will be in bondage to this thing, habit, or lifestyle forever!”

And so, many people stay in the jail cell, with the door wide open, when all they needed to know is that they have been set free and are able to step out into freedom!

Steps to freedom

Stepping out of bondage and into freedom does require action on your part. You have to initiate the process.

The first step is to confess to the Lord what you are in bondage to. The word “confess” (homologeo) means “to say the same thing.” In other words, you are to be in agreement with what God has said about the area you are in bondage to. You are to admit what you have been doing is wrong, sinful, and that you don’t want it in your life anymore. He then responds with forgiveness and the power to make changes.

The next step is knowing what the Word of God says. It’s from this step that God begins renew your mind through His Word, and help you to see yourself as the overcomer that He has created you to be. Knowing what God’s Word says also greatly empowers your prayers so you can specifically address the things your desire change in with hope of what God has promised.

This process of walking into total freedom can happen instantaneously, but often happens in steps and stages. The reason for this is simply because many of us have lived in bondage to things for many years, and it takes time for our minds to be renewed and our hearts to respond to the Lord and change.

The important thing to remember is that God has already given you everything you need to walk in total victory and freedom in every area of your life. The step that has to keep being taken is seeing yourself as you truly are in Christ…totally and completely set free!

Sister Amiee

“Honey, the Lord is healing you”

Sister Amiee

A bad report

They were young. They had money. They had success. They had everything a person could want, except what the doctor had just told them,

Mrs. Cox, I’m afraid you have enlarged heart.

That report may not sound too serious, but in 1928 is was basically a death sentence. The couple listening to the doctor’s report was my great-grandpa and great-grandma, who our family affectionately called Dad Cox and Nanny.

The doctor, who was the best in Missouri, pulled my great-grandfather aside and advised him to move himself and Nanny to sunny California so that she could at least live out her last few years of her life in a pleasant climate. They heeded the doctor’s advice, sold everything, and moved to Beverly Hills.

It wasn’t long before they began to meet people in their new neighborhood. A lady named Lucy invited my great-grandmother to go see a woman everyone was talking about. This woman was a preacher who had a reputation for doing some crazy things.

The place was packed!

Lucy and my great-grandmother arrived late to a Sunday night service at Angelus Temple. There were thousands of people already there. The ushers apologized that they would have to seat them separately. One of the ushers took my great-grandmother towards the front of the auditorium to an open seat in the second row.

The young preacher-woman was already speaking. People were shouting out, “Amen!” and “That’s right Sister!” Nanny was not a churchgoer, and couldn’t remember the last time she had been to church, so this was all pretty surreal to her.

As Nanny was shuffling her way to the seat, everything went silent. She thought, “Uh oh, I’m interrupting the speech.” She tried to duck down. She only had a few more people to get by before she could sit. As she was focused on getting to the empty seat, she thought “I’m gonna kill Lucy!”

Then a person nudged here and said, “Look, Sister Aimee is talking to you!” Nanny turned around to see Sister Aimee Semple McPherson looking straight at her. As all eyes were now upon my great-grandmother, Sister Aimee pointed at her and said,

“Honey, the Lord’s healing you right now.”

Sister Aimee went back to preaching. The people went back to shouting. Nanny finally made it to her seat. As she sat she felt something happen in her chest that she later described felt like a knitting needle poking her chest and popping it like a balloon. She was instantly healed and lived to be almost 100 years old.

As a result of that one healing, our entire family was affected. Five generations later, not only does our family serve God, but also fervently believes in the power of God to heal.

And we live in California, not Missouri. God is good!


The Promise of Blessing

A predominant thought in many Christian circles is that poverty is a characteristic of humility. A verse like, “…it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God” (Mt. 19:24), is often used to teach that the righteous are not be wealthy.

Job’s life is also referred to as a model of how God can use a life that is poverty-stricken, sick, and afflicted. However, the entire Book of Job happened within a period of nine months. And the last chapter of Job tells us, “the Lord gave Job twice as much as he had before” (Job 42:10).

Redeemed From the Curse

13 Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us (for it is written, “Cursed is everyone who hangs on a tree”), 14 that the blessing of Abraham might come upon the Gentiles in Christ Jesus, that we might receive the promise of the Spirit through faith…29 And if you are Christ’s, then you are Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise. (Galatians 3:13, 14, 29)

This passage tells us that we have been redeemed from the curse of the law. What is the curse of the law? In the first five books of the Old Testament, which is called the Pentateuch, or the Books of the Law, we are told that the curse, or punishment for breaking God’s law, is threefold: 1) spiritual death, 2) no protection from attack or sickness/disease, 3) and poverty/debt.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of spiritual death—we do not need to fear death. He as delivered us from the attacks of the enemy and/or sickness and disease. And He has delivered us from poverty and debt.

Just as the curse is three-fold in nature, so is the blessing. First, there is the promise of salvation (spiritual blessing). Second, there is the promise of physical protection from sickness and from attack. Third, there is the promise of financial blessing.

The Jews inherited the blessing through their father Abraham. It was not the Jews’ blessing or promise, or even Israel’s blessing. It is Abraham’s blessing! And that blessing is now given to those who are in Christ.

Destined to Rule and Reign

God created everything, and then He made man, and gave him dominion over all of it. God made it all for Adam. He gave Adam dominion over the cattle on a thousand hills, over the silver and gold, over the world and the fullness thereof.

But Adam committed high treason and sold out to Satan. Jesus, however, came to redeem us from Satan’s power and dominion over us. Romans 5:17 says, “For if by one man’s offense death reigned by one; much more they which receive abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness shall reign in life by one, Jesus Christ.” The Amplified version of the scripture reads, “They shall reign as kings in life, by one Jesus Christ.”

We are to reign as kings in life. That means that we have dominion over our lives. We are to dominate—not be dominated. Circumstances are not to dominate you—you are to dominate over circumstances. Poverty is not to rule and reign over you—you are to rule and reign over poverty. Sickness and disease are not to rule and reign over you—you are to rule and reign over sickness.

The Heart of the Father

If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts unto your children, how much more shall your Father which is in heaven give good things to them that ask him? (Matthew 7:11)

How many of us who are parents want our children to go through life hungry, sick, under attack, or never having enough money to make it? No parent wants that! In fact, we work and sacrifice to try to help our children get a better position in life than we had.

God put all the cattle here, all the silver and gold, and is it reasonable to think that He did all of this only for the ungodly? Certainly He loves the sinner, but does He love the sinner more than His own children? No. God put all these things here for His people. He said to Israel,

If you are willing and obedient, you shall eat the good of the land. (Isaiah 1:19)

God wants the best for His children!

Pastor Joel


Healthy Eyes


What do you see?

We had made it to the top of Burnt Mountain on our mountain bikes. It was my first time there. I was overwhelmed by the views. City. Hills. Reservoirs. Ocean. Clouds. Colors. I was navigating my cell phone to capture some of it, when a guy in our group barked, “Let’s get rolling.” “What? We just got here!” I thought.

Then I noticed that no one in the group seemed interested in the view, much less stopping to take pictures. For some of them it was because they had been there before—old news. But for others it was something far worse—they just didn’t care.

Not noticing, nor caring about beautiful scenery isn’t necessarily a serious issue; but having eyes that look with indifference is. 

The eyes of faith

Lately God has been teaching me a lot about the power of faith. How our words can change things. How standing on the promises of His Word evokes the unchangeable power of His covenant. And also how important the way we look at things is.

Jesus told His disciples not to worry about anything. This wasn’t a suggestion. It was a command. He said, “That’s what the Gentiles do”. In other words, people who have no covenant with God worry about what they see or don’t see.  Then He contrasted two ways of seeing things…

The lamp of the body is the eye. If therefore your eye is good, your whole body will be full of light. But if your eye is bad, your whole body will be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in you is darkness, how great is that darkness! (Matthew 6:22–23, NKJV) 

Healthy eyes and evil eyes

The Greek word that is translated, “good” is the word, “haplos”. It literally means, “healthy.” A person who has a “haplos eye” sees things as being strong, vigorous, blessed, and full of potential. 

The Greek word that is translated, “evil” is the word, “pineros”. It literally means, “unhealthy.” A person with a “pineros eye” sees things as weak, ugly, diminishing, and having no future.

When we look at something we have a choice to either see it through our natural perception, or with vision empowered by the Holy Spirit. Seeing with the eyes of faith gives us the ability to actually see things the way God sees them.

You could be standing there looking at the same thing everyone else is, but seeing it entirely different. You see something that is full of beauty, life, and blessing, while they see nothing. And it’s this kind of faith-filled vision that nobody, including Satan himself, can take from you.

So when the dark, blind, evil eye interrupts your joyous insight with, “Let’s get rolling.” You can say, “Nope. I’m going stay here and enjoy the view!”

Are You Listening?

It’s so frustrating!

Don’t you hate it when you’re telling someone something and they’re not listening? The other day I was trying to tell a person about a pretty serious situation in my life when I noticed their eyes drift away. Their attention was on a person who had just walked in the room. They greeted the person and began to talk with them. It was becoming obvious that the person who had come in the room was way more important than what I had been saying. Then as if they had caught themselves, they glanced back my way and apologized, “Now what were you saying?”  Never mind.

Needless to say, I won’t be too quick to engage that person in a serious conversation again. What’s scary though is that experiences like this, if you’re not careful, can start to make you doubt if anyone really listens, including God.
David wrote,

I waited and waited and waited for God. At last he looked; finally he listened.
(Psalms 40:1, The Message)

It’s the speaking-then-nothing stuff that can be so tough 

Check those first few words out: waiting, and waiting, and waiting. Though maybe we don’t doubt that God can hear, we begin to think that He may not be really interested in what we are saying. There’s other people and other things that are more important. And then there’s the whole, “maybe he’s mad at me” thing. 

The unchangeable FACT is that God is listening to us. He never stops, forgets, or gets distracted. He may not respond in nanosecond, but rest assured He’s listening.

I love God because he listened to me! He has even inclined His ear toward me.
(Psalms 116:1-2)

Those words say a lot about listening

That word “inclined” actually means to adjust one’s position and lean forward to gain a better position to hear and understand what’s being said. In other words, when you speak, God not only listens, but leans forward and adjusts himself so he can listen even better to you. 

As much as we hate it when people don’t listen to us, we love it when they do. How much more special it is to know that God is listening to us!  

Terra Take A Bow

You try not to stare
She was nervous. So were we. It’s awkward to meet someone who sells their body all night, every night. But she’s why we’re in Cambodia.

Her name is Terra. She’s 24 and has an 8-month-old daughter named Terry. We’re talking to her at one of the Saving Moses Centers in Phnom Penh. We are trying to find out more about her, but little Terry is stealing the show.

“She’s almost walking!” I shouted. Mom seemed to smile, but it was kind of different. Her eyes had a mom’s loving glimmer, but were weary looking from being up all night. She had been with five men using her body as nothing more than a business service.

We wanted to encourage her, but it was difficult. Not speaking Khmer was part of the problem, but it was way more tricky than that. Turns out that little Terry was fathered by one of Terra’s many customers, and it’s not certain which one.

I felt helpless. I’m holding little Terry and thinking, “Who’s going to celebrate special occasions with her?” First steps were a big deal with my kids, as they are with most. But Terra’s thinking about survival. Full stop.

“Boot the grime of this world in the crotch dear”

We let Terra and Terry go get some sleep. Later, as I was riding back in the tuk-tuk, a song came into my head. It wasn’t a worship song, but I bet David would’ve loved it. I started singing in my best Morrissey voice,

Is it wrong to want to live on your own?
No, it’s not wrong, but I must know,
How can someone so young,
Sing words so sad?
Sheila take a, Sheila take a bow,
Boot the grime of this world in the crotch dear,
And don’t go home tonight,
Come out and find the one that you love and who loves you,
The one that you love and who loves you.

I could feel the Holy Spirit rising in me, and I began to pray for Terra and Terry. “Jesus become real to them. That You would be involved in every detail of their lives.  That they would feel Your love, and sense Your pleasure in them.  That every good and perfect plan You have for them would be fulfilled.”

I got a picture no camera could take

As I prayed, my vision was blurred with tears that filled my eyes. But I saw something I will never forget. It was Terra holding little Terry while kicking a dark hooded figure in the crouch. Angels were surrounding them. They were laughing too. Then a tall, strong, handsome man, with eyes like fire, appeared next to them.  He knelt down with arms outstretched. Terra put little Terry down, Terry started wobbling towards him. “Look!” he said (felt like thunder). “She’s almost walking!” The angels shouted, and Terra took a bow.

That’s Not How Bob Does It

Being a merciful person is right, but not always easy

One summer afternoon in the middle of a Phoenix traffic jam, I noticed a elderly woman with a flat tire on the side of the freeway.  After fighting the, “She must have Triple A roadside service,” or, “Surely her husband, son, grandson is coming to help her,” type of thoughts, I saw her open her trunk and begin to make efforts to pull stuff out.  My next thought was, “Even if I wanted to help her,  I’m stuck in the middle lane.”  No sooner than having thought that, both lanes to my right opened up.  “Alright!  I can take a hint,” I shouted at the roof of my car as I pulled over to the side of the road.

“May I help you?” I asked

“That would be so sweet,” the little lady responded.

I began to dig the spare tire out, but she had no jack, and no lug wrench.  Fortunately, mine worked.  As I begin to place the jack under her car, she said, “No. That’s not where that goes.”

I paused for a minute.  She continued,

“That’s not how Bob does it!”

“How does Bob do it? I patiently asked.  “I don’t know, but I know it’s not like that!” she snapped.  Did I mention it was 110 degrees?  

The next 2 seconds seemed like an eternity

I was fighting the urge to put my wrench and jack back in my trunk, and wish this dear woman adieu.  But something deep down inside me rose up that actually gave me pity for this woman and her situation.  I proceeded to change her tire, with her blow-by-blow directions coming over my shoulder the whole time.  

“Yes ma’am. No ma’am. Yes ma’am,” is all I said.

As I finished getting her flat tire in her trunk, I saw how dirty my arms and hands were, I also saw her digging in her pocketbook, then extending to me some cash.  “No, that’s okay ma’am, I don’t need any money.”  I shut the trunk, begin to say goodbye, when she said, “Thank you. Thank you so much young man.”  I told her it was no problem, and that I did it unto the Lord.  Then she said something that still amazes me,

“Things have been tough since Bob died.”

As it turns out, Bob was her husband of 48 years and had just passed away a few months ago. For another few moments she told me how he had always taken care of the car, and she never had to worry about anything mechanically.  Through the din of the traffic I listened.  Then I reached out my hand and asked if I could pray with her. She nodded and thanked me.

As I got in my car, I didn’t yell at the roof this time, but put my head down and said, “Forgive me God.  Thank you for using me. And thank you for the covenant of marriage we have with you!”


I Will Pass Over


Something strange was happening in the slave’s back yards 

It was about 6pm. Two million Israeli families had fired up their BBQs and were all cooking lamb. The smell and the smoke filled the air over the Egyptian city.

An Egyptian soldier yelled over the fence, “What are you guys doing?” There was no answer. “No wonder you guys are slaves!” Another soldier laughed and yelled, “Trying to make a ‘smoke plague’?” The soldiers just looked at each other and shrugged their shoulders. They couldn’t figure it out, but God had it figured it out.

There had already been 9 plagues that had come upon the Egyptians as Pharaoh persisted in his stubbornness to release the Children of Israel from their bondage in Egypt. Instead of just rolling right along into the next plague, God instructed Moses, “We’re going to set something in place right now that will be a memorial forever of how I do things.”

A new calendar was created, and from that point on every family was to select a lamb. Not just any lamb, but a special one without spots or blemishes. It had to be a “perfect lamb,” and it had to be only one year old.  Hebrew tradition tells us that they would take these lambs for three days and examine them very thoroughly all the way down to the eyelids. This ensured that there were no blemishes.

Something you wouldn’t want to kill

Imagine, the kids have been cuddling with this lamb and playing with it for three days, and now it had to be killed. Then a hyssop plant would be dipped in its blood and put it on their doorpost

God said told them the reason, “I’m going to come that evening, and if I don’t see the blood I will kill the firstborn in that household. But, if I see the blood, then I will pass over.”

The practice of Passover went on year after year for hundreds of years. Between the book of Malachi until the time of Jesus, millions of Jews would come into Jerusalem to celebrate Passover. 

One day John the Baptist was baptizing people. Someone caught his attention. He stopped and pointed, “Behold the Lamb of God Who takes away the sins of the world.”  And for the next three years, Jesus was exposed to the world, just like the lamb was exposed to the family for three days. 

Something strange happened one Passover 

Jesus and the disciples had celebrated the Passover before together, but something was very strange about this one. Jesus was leading the Seder; he lifted the matzo bread and blessed it,

“Baruch atah Adonai Eloheinu, Melech ha-olam, hamotzi lechem min ha-aretz”
(Blessed are you oh Lord God, King of the Universe, Who brings forth bread from the Earth)

As he broke the bread and served it, Jesus said something that wasn’t part of the Seder Haggadah (script),

This is My body which is given for you; do this in remembrance of Me.
(Mark 14:19) 

The disciples looked around at each other and shrugged their shoulders. Then Jesus took the Seder cup, blessed it, and said an even stranger thing, 

This cup is the new covenant in My blood, which is shed for you.
(Luke 22:20) 

They couldn’t figure it out, but God had it figured it out

Jesus goes that night to Gethsemane. He mentions the cup three times. He’s arrested after betrayal. He’s tortured and beaten all night long. What’s going on?  They’re down to checking the “eyelids” now. “Let’s see if we treat Him wrongfully if He’ll sin. Let’s see if there are any flaws or blemishes in Him.”

But nothing wrong can be found. Jesus said, “the wicked one has nothing in Me” (John 14:30). Pilate then says, “I find not fault in Him”. Later, Judas says, “I have sinned by betraying innocent blood.”  Why are these things said?  This was to certify that this Lamb was without spot or blemish, and underserving of death.

Jesus was then crucified at the same time as the Passover Lambs were being killed for sacrifice (9AM).  At noon we’re told, “there was darkness” which was a dramatic physical manifestation of God’s judgment of all the sins of the world put on one man in one place.

Then at 3PM, Jesus lifts his head and says, “Into your hands I commend my spirit.” It was in this moment and place that fulfilled God’s covenant with His people. The blood from this Lamb is now applied to the doors of people’s hearts. God tells us why, “I’m coming again, but not as a lamb of sacrifice, but as the Judge of the living and the dead. If I don’t see the blood you will die. But, if I see the blood, then I will pass over.”


Enemy’s Got No Back


When David showed up

Goliath had the entire army of Israel frozen in a state of fear.  But David stood toe-to-toe, face-to-face, and eye-to-eye with the giant. David knew his covenant with God was his defense, and his words were his weapons. 

Israel was a nation that lived by and relied on their covenant with God. Those who knew their God, and the power of their covenant with Him, were mighty and did exploits in His Name. David was a prime example. 

As David assured King Saul that he was well able to slay Goliath, he credited his covenant with God as the power behind his ability…

Who is this uncircumcised Philistine, that he should defy the armies of the living God? The Lord Who delivered me out of the paw of the lion, and out of the paw of the bear, he will deliver me out of the hand of this Philistine! (1 Samuel 17:26, 37)

Circumcision was the sign of the covenant. By calling Goliath uncircumcised, David was making this very pointed statement, “He may be a giant; he may be strong; but he has NO covenant with God, and that’s why I can kill him.” 

David ran at Goliath!

Quickly and bravely David slew Goliath in the Name of the Lord—because of his covenant. The covenant David stood on was made long before he ever faced the giant. God established it with a man called Abram. 

God promised to make Abram the father of many nations. He promised to give him a great deal of land as an inheritance so his descendants could live peacefully on it. God also made very specific promises to Abram’s descendants—promises of blessing and victory.

These were incredible promises, and at first it was hard for Abram to believe God actually wanted to do these things for him.

God made a blood agreement 

Abram asked, “How can I be sure these things will happen?” The Lord answered by telling him to prepare for a blood covenant. Abram complied. This was familiar language for him. In Abram’s day, the blood covenant signified an absolute and unbreakable guarantee of a man’s word.

Nothing short of a blood agreement could have convinced Abram of God’s desire to bless him. By cutting the covenant with him, God communicated His unfailing love and loyalty on a level Abram could understand and trust.

How does all this apply to you and me?

Paul tells us in Galatians that if we belong to Jesus Christ, then we also belong to Abraham and thereby become “heirs according to the promise”(3:29). We are the unborn generations promised to Abraham when God cut the covenant with him. Through the new covenant, God has promised to care for us the same way He took care of Abraham.

This new covenant is better than the old. The blessings and promises of the old covenant promised to those who keep the terms of the agreement are wonderful. But keep reading and you’ll also find the curse that will fall on those who break the agreement. That’s where our covenant differs. Although we ourselves have been guilty of breaking the terms of the covenant, we’ve been freed from the penalty of it.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law
… (Galatians 3:13)

Every demonic and diabolical thing that could ever come against you during this lifetime was placed on Jesus when He went to the cross. He bore the penalty for your sin. He bore all of your sicknesses and carried all of your diseases.

And He totally stripped the devil of his power to harm you! And like David you can stand on that covenant and defeat anything that stands in your way—no matter how big it looks, it’s got NO back!!!