When a person considers their accomplishments they can be tempted to think, “My hard work produced this and I achieved this with my own abilities, skills and intelligence.” They can even become prideful and arrogant about their accomplishments.
God won’t allow His people to think like this.
The very gift, strength, or accomplishment that we place value in and take pride in is not of our own doing. The bible says that God has a purpose and a plan for each of us, and He has given each of us certain gifts and favor that serve to glorify Him. We’re in trouble when this is forgotten and pride enters our thinking.
“When pride comes, then comes disgrace, but with humility comes wisdom.” (Prv. 11:2)
Those who seek only worldly treasures will find only worldly rewards. These rewards die when we die and will account for nothing in eternity. While we certainly should work to provide for ourselves in this life, this is not to be our main priority.
The world measures people by their level of success, wealth, knowledge, abilities, appearance, and skills. With so much attention placed on these things, it’s only when the bottom falls out, as it often does, that God can get our attention. And it’s during these times of loss and brokenness that some of the greatest accomplishments take place.
“He comforts us every time we have trouble, so when others have trouble, we can comfort them with the same comfort God gives us.” (2 Co 1:4, NCV)
It’s never easy to lose things we value. The brokenness we feel when our plans fall apart can be severe. But if we allow God to comfort, heal, and redirect us, what can emerge out of our shattered circumstances will actually be used to draw others to Him. And we can find joy in the fact that He is using us for His purposes and glory. That’s an accomplishment unlike anything else!