
In this Sign Conquer


The chi-rho symbol was first used by Constantine. The letters are the first two letters in the Greek spelling of “CRISTOS.”  He saw this symbol in a dream the night before a very difficult battle for the Milvian Bridge (October 28, 312).  Along with the symbol, he heard a voice say, in Greek, “En touto nika” (“In this sign, conquer”). Constantine then had the symbol placed on every shield in his army.  He went on to win the battle with Emperor Maxentius, and became the emperor himself. 

In a few weeks our country will observe Memorial Day which honors those who have laid their lives down for this great country.  They have defended our freedom and kept us safe from various threats and enemies. The most serious threat to our country, however, is something the military cannot keep us safe from.

Though some would disagree with me, the cultural shift in our country is not a result of liberal politics.  The removal of God from our schools and educational systems is not the result of efforts by atheists.  Epidemic promiscuity and sexual perversion are not because of mediums such as television and the internet.  These all come from one place, from the Prince of Darkness himself.

Satan has waged the greatest war of all time, and on many fronts he is winning with dramatic effects.  His insidious lies and whispers have swayed our country from the God in Whom we originally trusted, believed, and served.  We have exchanged the truth for the lie that comes from the Devil’s lips.

Today God is calling us to stand up and take what is rightfully ours.  To tell the forces of darkness to shut up and get out of our land.  We are God’s people and as long as we are on this planet, the powers of hell are subject to us in Jesus’ name.  This is not up for discussion.  It’s time for action!  It’s not about being politically divisive or socially insensitive, it’s about being so sick to the core by what is happening around us that we become willing to do something about it.

For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,” (2 Co 10:3-5)

Job Qualifications

Remember your first job?  Mine was at a car dealership.

Before I was hired, I was interviewed by a manager named Mr. Carlson.  The interview was intimidating enough, but Mr. Carlson was even more intimidating.  He was a tall, serious fellow who asked me what qualifications I had to work at their dealership. After all that, I was finally hired, and given the esteemed title of “Lot Attendant.”  Don’t laugh, I got to drive Jaguars, MGs, Triumphs, and Volvos.

In the New Testament we’re told that Apostles looked to select some people to do work around the church.  The qualifications for the position were simple:

Seek out from among you seven men of good reputation, full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom, whom we may appoint over this business.” (Acts 6:3)

That second qualification stands out the most to me, “full of the Holy Spirit.”  One might even ask, “Aren’t all Christians ‘full of the Holy Spirit?’”  Apparently not, or the apostles would not have mentioned it as a specific qualification.  Yes, the Holy Spirit is resident in every person who has made Jesus Lord of their life, yet there is a filling with the Holy Spirit that can be described as “full” even to “overflowing.”  This is what the Apostles were looking for.  This is what God is still looking for.

The beautiful thing about being qualified for God’s work is that we need not feel intimidated by our lack of skills.  In God’s kingdom, whatever we lack, He will freely give us as we are continually filled with the Holy Spirit.  And with no apologies to Mr. Carlson, we’ll be given the a much better title: “Servant of the Most High God.”


Sprinkler Predestination


A few years ago, my father in-law Frank, called and asked if my boys and I would come help him install a new sprinkler system in his front yard.  We obliged. 

When we got to his house we were amazed to see he had a diagram that laid out every detail of the system.  He had been a plumber and union pipe fitter most of his life, so this was natural for him.

He had calculated the distance of separation for each sprinkler head, their exact position and spray pattern.  He knew where every coupling, riser, and all other parts were to go, and had also purchased all the materials.  All we had to do was dig the trenches and glue (which he had also purchased) everything together. 

When we were done, we had a great sense of reward as we fired up the system for the first time.  It worked perfectly.  But my boys and I would be the first to tell you it was all Frank.

You could call it sprinkler predestination.

The word predestination, and all arguments associated with it, has caused much angst when it comes to our thinking about God.  The repulsive picture of a cosmic puppeteer manipulating people’s lives willy-nilly is what comes to mind with most people.  Notwithstanding the negative sound to that kind of view, God’s predestination is biblical.

For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.  Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified. (Romans 8:29–30)

Let’s use my father in-law’s sprinkler system to illustrate what’s being said in these verses.

Before we jumped for joy at the system working, we had to install it.  Before we installed it, my father-law had called us.  Before he called us, he had pre-purchased all the supplies.  Before he pre-purchased the supplies, he had calculated exactly what he needed.  And all his calculations were based on his prior plumbing experience and expertise.

Before you ever knew God, he knew you.  And based on what he knew about you, he prepared events, calculated things, and brought all the pieces of your life together so that when he called you, you answered.  And as a result, you’ve experienced the joy and sense of reward that comes from answering the call of God.  But you’d be the first one to tell everyone…it was all God!

Nobody likes a person to butt in unwelcomed to a conversation or other activities. Especially when the person is giving their opinion which was not asked for about something in which they were not included. 

They’re called Buttinskys.

A Buttinsky noses their way into something that is none of their business.  It’s awkward and can be frustrating, unless their interruption saves your life.  When a person butts in because they have noticed something that is amiss and/or life threatening, then the interruption should be welcome.

God’s taken notice of something amiss and life threatening concerning you.

We all once conducted ourselves in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, just as the others. But God, who is rich in mercy, because of His great love with which He loved us” (Ephesians 2:3–4, emphasis mine)

God’s the ultimate Buttinsky.  And he isn’t waiting around until you invite him into the conversation.  While you’ve been ignoring him and doing things on your own, he’s been interrupting, letting you know he’s there, and that he loves you.

Driven by his “rich mercy” and “great love,” he butted into your life. 

But God…while you were still sinning, Christ died for us

But God…while you made no move toward him, he took the initiative

But God…while you didn’t realize you were at death’s door, he rescued you

I love it when God butts in!


A Man is Known by the Company He Keeps



Who are the most notorious people you can think of? Most of us think of people who exploit others.  People like drug dealers, pimps, gangsters, and child molesters are at the top of the list.  These aren’t the kind of people you would want to hang out with…unless you’re Jesus.

Then all the tax collectors and the sinners drew near to Him to hear Him.  And the Pharisees and scribes complained, saying, “This Man receives sinners and eats with them.” (Luke 15:1–2)

Eating with people back then was pretty much an all day event.  There were no microwaves or frozen food quick meals.  Jesus was hanging out with some pretty nasty folks.  And the religious folks didn’t like it.

The Pharisees and Sadducees were the kinds of people you would expect God’s son to hang out with.  They were interested in the scriptures, the law, church, and God.  They worked really hard at being good people and believed they were what God wanted.  No wonder they were so upset about the people Jesus chose to spend time with.

But grace is illogical.

For when we were still without strength, in due time Christ died for the ungodly. For scarcely for a righteous man will one die; yet perhaps for a good man someone would even dare to die. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, Christ died for us. (Romans 5:6–8)

The ones who need grace the most, deserve it least.  And the grace they need isn’t obtained through anything they do.  It is revealed totally through and in Jesus.  Jesus is grace.  Grace is a person.  And he’s a person who likes to hang out with sinners.

I have come to call not those who think they are righteous, but those who know they are sinners and need to repent. (Luke 5:32, NLT)

Making Jesus Famous

Fame is associated with the names and faces of celebrities who have made it.  They have a combination of looks, talent, and being cool, that our culture esteems and envies.  But the kind of accolade given to people who are famous is nothing new.

History is full of stories of men and women who had that certain je ne sais quoi that attracts and makes one popular.  And most often it was associated with some kind of natural ability or looks. 

Jesus was famous. 

But unlike the notables of society then, and unlike the celebrities of today, Jesus’ fame was happening because of the miraculous and supernatural things he was doing.  The Gospel of Mark tells us,

“Then they were all amazed, so that they questioned among themselves, saying, ‘What is this? What new doctrine is this? For with authority He commands even the unclean spirits, and they obey Him.’ And immediately His fame spread throughout all the region around Galilee.” (Mark 1:27–28)

Throughout the gospels the same thing was recorded.  Jesus would go through different cities and communities, teaching and doing miracles.  As a result people would tell others and soon everybody had heard about Jesus.

Could Jesus become famous today?  The answer to that question is, and should be yes.  But what would make Jesus famous today?  I believe the same things that caused his fame to spread then, are the same things that will cause his fame to spread now.  And Satan knows this better than any of us.

We can modernize methods and approaches to evangelism and ministry, but Satan has lured the church far from the miraculous and supernatural elements that were common to Jesus’ ministry, and to the first groups of believers.

This absence of miracles has been explained away by some who believe God is no longer doing miracles.  Or by others who claim God is doing different kinds of miracles today (i.e. filling stadiums with young people, or reaching millions of people through internet simulcasts, etc.). 

Many of the clever, attractive, entertaining things happening within the church today are truly impressive, but lots of this stuff doesn’t need God to do them. And the adulation and notoriety of people and personalities in the church are often on the same basis that culture uses.

The single most important feature that should undergird everything the people of God do is the power of God.  The power that breaks demonic strongholds.  The power that heals.  The power that establishes God’s kingdom.  The power to see the miraculous.  All done in the name of Jesus.  This may not make it to the cover of a magazine, but it will make Jesus famous with the people who have experienced that kind of power.

Make Jesus famous!


I See Something…Kinda


There are lots of disagreements in the church, but probably the most heated one is over the gifts of the Holy Spirit. One side of the argument uses 1 Corinthians 13 where it states there will be a time when prophecies and tongues shall cease. From this word ‘cease’ is derived the term ‘cessationist,’ and a person who believes that all spiritual gifts have ceased is known as a ‘cessationist.’ It is verse 10 in particular that’s used to make the case for spiritual gifts having been already abolished from the Church age…

“But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away.” (I Corinthians 13:10)

“That which is perfect” is said to be the completed canon of Scripture – the Bible. Sometime between the end of the first century when all of the New Testament writings were complete, and the manuscripts were gathered together and in regular common use by the churches, and later when a ‘Church council’ agreed to what should be considered the whole canon of Scripture, cessationists argue that the genuine gifts of the Spirit ceased to be a part of God’s plan for the Church.

Taking a closer look at the theology of cessationism a simple question needs to be answered, does “that which is perfect” refer to the Bible, or to something else yet to come?  While the Bible should be, and must be, viewed as the infallible, inerrant, and inspired word of God, can one really argue that the fulfillment of our understanding has been perfectly met in it alone? 

The passage answers…

For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known.” (1 Corinthians 13:12)

The thought here is that all things will be culminated and made perfectly clear when we see Jesus—the Perfect One.  Until that day we stand on and trust God’s word, needing the Holy Spirit to bring to life the Word and empower our lives for ministry.  We are to study the Word, pursue it, stand on it, but also allow the gifts of the Holy Spirit to operate thereby confirming what is written. 

In the meantime we will see some great things.  Some powerful things.  But no perfect things…He’ll be here shortly.


Fake Wrestling


My grandpa loved professional wrestling.  Names like Dutch Savage, Lonnie Mayne, and Bull Ramos were in the sports hall of fame of my grandpa’s mind.

One evening in 1973 I was watching wrestling with my grandpa.  It was Friday night, and the broadcast was coming live from the Portland Sports Arena (Oregon). Grandpa was really excited and started telling me all about the different bouts scheduled for that night. 

The first match began.  I watched intently.  It was pretty exciting.  Guys jumping around and yelling at each other, to which my grandpa would yell back.  But something didn’t seem right.  They were hitting and punching, but I could see the blows were being held short.  The hits didn’t connect. 

“It so fake,” I said.

“What?!!!!” My grandpa yelled.  “Whadda mean fake?!!!!  These are some of the greatest wrestlers in the world!”  Then in a twelve year old kind of giggle I replied, “Grandpa, they’re not even hurting each other.  It’s rigged.”  He bounded for me, took me by the arm and sent me outside.  He was mad at me for the rest of the weekend.

Notwithstanding the athleticism of professional wrestlers, as well as the astute business savvy of the promoters, it’s all entertainment.  It’s fun to watch and follow, but it is by no means real wrestling.  Real wrestling is slow, almost boring.  And there are no theatrics.

During high school, one of my best friends was an Oregon all-state champion wrestler.  I can’t remember how many times I saw him wrestle, but I do remember the first time. 

The match started out with he and his opponent doing some pretty quick moves.  It was exciting.  But then my friend was thrown by his opponent, and held down on his stomach.  My friend fought, struggled, pushed, flailed, but nothing could break the hold.  This went on for an eternity.  Then the whistle blew and they both came off the mat.  After a few minutes they started up again.  And once again his opponent managed to throw him on his stomach and hold him there. 

Since it didn’t seem like I would miss much, I went to the restroom.  When I came back into the gym, sure enough they were in the same position they were in when I left: my friend on his stomach fighting, struggling, pushing, and flailing. 

But suddenly something shifted.  My friend freed himself.  His team, his family, and his friends (even this one) yelled.  Then within a couple of seconds my friend managed to throw his opponent on his back, and pin him for the win.

Spiritual warfare is described as a wrestling event.  Not like the aforementioned staged and planned kind, but much more like real wrestling.  Slow.  Tedious. Difficult.  In fact it can be so subtle at times we miss it.

For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12, NKJV)

This kind of wrestling and the opponents involved here are not flashy, hammy, or entertaining.  But it is real, and with much higher stakes. 

We battle with the forces of darkness who would love for us to think either we’re already defeated, or that we need to implement some kind of showy, dramatic style.  Capes, masks, boots, and shiny suits of a spiritual sort.  Running around.  Jumping.  Yelling.

But it’s fake.

The real battle is fought and won by…

“Being strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.  Putting on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the strategies of the devil.” (Eph. 6:10-11)

Standing’s not real glamorous.  And wrestling’s not real exciting.  The enemy knows this and will try to lure you away.  You may feel like nothing much is going on.  Slow. Tedious. Boring.  But take it from the guy who went to the bathroom, but got back in time: God’s about ready to throw the enemy on his back and pin him for good!!!