The chi-rho symbol was first used by Constantine. The letters are the first two letters in the Greek spelling of “CRISTOS.” He saw this symbol in a dream the night before a very difficult battle for the Milvian Bridge (October 28, 312). Along with the symbol, he heard a voice say, in Greek, “En touto nika” (“In this sign, conquer”). Constantine then had the symbol placed on every shield in his army. He went on to win the battle with Emperor Maxentius, and became the emperor himself.
In a few weeks our country will observe Memorial Day which honors those who have laid their lives down for this great country. They have defended our freedom and kept us safe from various threats and enemies. The most serious threat to our country, however, is something the military cannot keep us safe from.
Though some would disagree with me, the cultural shift in our country is not a result of liberal politics. The removal of God from our schools and educational systems is not the result of efforts by atheists. Epidemic promiscuity and sexual perversion are not because of mediums such as television and the internet. These all come from one place, from the Prince of Darkness himself.
Satan has waged the greatest war of all time, and on many fronts he is winning with dramatic effects. His insidious lies and whispers have swayed our country from the God in Whom we originally trusted, believed, and served. We have exchanged the truth for the lie that comes from the Devil’s lips.
Today God is calling us to stand up and take what is rightfully ours. To tell the forces of darkness to shut up and get out of our land. We are God’s people and as long as we are on this planet, the powers of hell are subject to us in Jesus’ name. This is not up for discussion. It’s time for action! It’s not about being politically divisive or socially insensitive, it’s about being so sick to the core by what is happening around us that we become willing to do something about it.
“For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war according to the flesh. For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ,” (2 Co 10:3-5)