Getting Beyond the “W” Word

God can move but…

Every Christian is in favor of a move of God’s Spirit. We like the sense of peace from God’s presence, or a stimulating word of prophecy. But when unfamiliar “manifestations” of the Spirit occur we get nervous. Strange body movements, ecstatic speech, shouts, laughter, etc. would make the list.

The default response to spiritual things we don’t understand is, “That’s weird.”
The default response to spiritual things we don’t agree with is, “That’s weird.”
The default response to anything spiritual we don’t like is, “That’s weird.”

Getting beyond it

The fact is there IS a lot of weird-ness when it comes to spiritual things. It’s weird that God chose us before time begun. It weird that God knew us before we were in our mother’s womb. It’s weird that we celebrate our new life by being dunked in water. It’s weird that we symbolically eat Jesus’ body and drink his blood at communion. It’s weird we talk to God like we know him, yet no one has ever seen him.

Most of us have gotten beyond the weirdness of these things. They have become familiar to us, even dear to us. We would even get offended at someone calling them weird. Let us also get beyond limiting what God is doing, or can do, by saying the “W” word.

No Nobodies

A leper colony

A visitor was being shown around a leper colony in India. At noon a gong sounded for the midday meal. People came from all parts of the compound to the dining hall. All at once sounds of laughter began to fill the air. They were laughing at two young men, one riding on the other’s back, were pretending to be a horse and a rider and were having loads of fun.

As the visitor watched, he saw that the man who carried his friend was blind, and the man on his back was lame. The one who could not see used his feet; the one who could not walk used his eyes. Together they helped each other, and they found great joy in doing it.

A church like that

Imagine a church like that—each member using his or her strength to make up for another’s weakness. That’s what should be happening in every gathering of believers.

Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all…He has done this intentionally so that every member would look after the others with mutual concern, and so that there will be no division in the body. (1 Cor. 12:7, 25, TPT)

Paul likened spiritual gifts to various parts of the human body. Eyes see. Ears hear. Hands work. Feet move the body forward. All are essential, and when each fulfills its function, the whole body benefits. All of us have weaknesses, but we also have strengths. God’s Spirit has gifted each of us for the good of the church. We need each other. In the church, there are no “nobodies.”

Don’t Miss Out

God in and through you

One of the greatest blessings of God is that He lives in every believer. He does not sit passively inside us, He is active. God fills us with His Spirit so He can touch others through us.

Jesus said in John 7:38 that the Spirit would become in us like a flowing river. The Bible explains how this miracle happens…

“Each believer is given continuous revelation by the Holy Spirit to benefit not just himself but all.” (1 Corinthians 12:7, TPT)

The Holy Spirit gives gifts to each of us. These gifts are manifest for the sole purpose of empowering us to effectively minister to people. The Apostle Paul gives us a profound insight to what this kind of ministry looks like…

4 The message I preached and how I preached it was not an attempt to sway you with persuasive arguments but to prove to you the almighty power of God’s Holy Spirit. 5 For God intended that your faith not be established on man’s wisdom but by trusting in his almighty power. (I Corinthian 2:4-5, TPT)

Catch the Wave

If you aren’t counting on the Holy Spirit daily to empower your relationship with God and your encounters with people, you’re missing out on something very special! It’s actually possible to live knowing Jesus as Lord without experiencing the fullness of His power in operation. But God wants you to experience more of him—both for your own sake and for the sake of the people you come in contact with.

Ministering in the power of God is like catching a wave. Things start happening when you believe what God has promised, and then begin to move out in that authority. Somebody gets healed because you prayed for them. Somebody receives direction and encouragement because you prophesied over them. Or best of all, somebody comes into the life-changing contact of knowing Jesus as Lord because of you.

It could happen today. Don’t miss it!


Do All Good Things Have to End?

Revivals seem to end

If you study revival history you’ll quickly discover that in spite of the spiritual impact they have, they are not long-lived. Some implode from within through disharmony and schisms. Others succumb to intense theological pressures from without, opposing factions that cause a general loss of trust among leaders.

Notwithstanding the worldwide impact that results from great revivals, many of them ended in disappointment and heartbreak. How is it that these once vibrant places where God’s Spirit was moving and people’s lives were being indelibly changed could dwindle to such lackluster conclusions?


One of the most crucial factors to revivals sustaining their movement is matter of influence. Unfortunately, great moves of God are often measured by how many meetings they had/have, and how many people they had/have. While this isn’t entirely bad, it’s incomplete.

A kingdom culture must be built in order to sustain the present move of God. There must be a culture of revival that by nature positions itself for future advancements. It is this approach that enables and empowers people to invade society instead of waiting for them to come to us. This is beginning to happen!

Many argue and complain that the best days are behind us. But now, more than ever before, all over the world there are people rising out of revival fires that God is sending back into the world system. These “cultural transformers” often don’t fit in the standard church mold, but they are influencers. Things may look, sound and feel different, but one thing remains steadfast—the message of great God’s love. That’s one good thing that will never end!


Got a secret?

A secret is hidden knowledge. It could be a surprise birthday party, or maybe a special announcement that no one else knows about.

Did you know God has secrets?

“The Lord our God has secrets known to no one.” (Deuteronomy 29:29, NLT)

God’s secrets would include that He knew us before we were created (Psalm 139; Jeremiah 1:5). Or, that He knows how long we are going to live (Job 14:5).

Revealed secrets

While there is a lot we don’t know, there are things the God wants us to know. There are secrets—REMARKABLE SECRETS—that God wants to tell us. There are deep things that reveal His love to and through us.

“Ask me and I will tell you remarkable secrets you do not know about things to come.” (Jeremiah 33:3, NLT)

A “word of knowledge” is a supernatural revelation about something that’s a secret. It’s something revealed about a person or situation that’s in the past or present that no one else knows except God. And rather than simply knowing information about someone, a word of knowledge reveals God’s heart for a person.

Creating space for secrets

Secrets are whispered, privately shared, and never yelled. It’s really challenging for someone to whisper something to us when we’re in the middle of noise, people and other distractions. We have to create the space so we can hear and listen to what they have to share with us.

There’s a private place reserved for the lovers of God, where they sit near Him and receive the revelation-secrets of His promises. It’s in this quiet place that we are able to put our focus on God, and be in tune with what He wants to tell us.

Don’t miss out on what God wants to share with you. Create the space and silence in order to prepare your heart and mind to experience the remarkable secrets God has for you, and for those around you.

The Power of Touch

Stay in touch

Humans have an innate need for contact—for physical touch. We have many expressions that convey the importance of touch. We speak of friends and acquaintances “staying in touch.” We describe some people as being “out of touch.”

The most basic element of love is physical touch. Typically, the first action a mother takes toward her newborn is to pick up her infant and hold it close. This is vital to the baby and triggers the crucial bonding process for the newborn.

Studies indicate that physical touch reduces stress. A simple touch—a hand on a shoulder, an arm around a waist—can reduce the heart rate and lower blood pressure.

The Hand of God

Even more important than the touch of human beings in our lives is the touch of God. He does not physically touch us in the same way people do, but His hand of intervention and comfort is available to those who need it.

The concept of touching is so significant to God that He instituted a specific ceremony—called the “laying on of hands”—for certain special occasions.

YOUR hands

The primary purpose of placing hands on a person was to impart a blessing. It is one of the foundational doctrines of Christianity. It’s interesting to see how the Bible directs God’s people to perform this ceremony at key times in human lives.

  • Healing the sick (Mark 5:22-23; Mark 6:5; Mark 7:32-35; Mark 16:17-18; James 5:14-15)
  • Releasing those called to ministry (Acts 6:1-6;13:1-3)
  • Spiritual gifts being imparted (Acts 8:14-20; Acts 9:17; Acts 19:1-6; 1 Tim 4:14; 2 Tim 1:6)

In the instances listed above, the laying on of hands is an act of faith by a believer, which results in the impartation or release of the supernatural powers of God in a situation. It is an activation of God’s divine enablement in the life of a person on whom hands are laid.

Understanding this foundational principle not only positions you to receive a supernatural blessing from God, but also opens the door for you to exercise your faith to be used by God to be a channel of blessings to other people as well.

While observing the admonition in 1Tim 5:22 not to lay hands suddenly on no man, step out in faith to allow God to use your hands to touch a person’s life!


The New Normal

The character vs. power trap

Many Christians consider it more noble to choose character over power. Recently I was teaching a small group of young leaders about the importance of operating in power while ministering when one of them spoke up,

“I’ll pursue the power of God when I have more of God’s character in me.”

As good as that sounds, it comes from a religious mindset that idolizes concepts and false humility. It causes people to consider themselves unworthy of God using them in the miraculous. Ironically, Christians who value character over power are actually disobeying the Lord’s command.

When Jesus commissioned his followers, he said, “Go and make disciples of all nations…teaching them to observe all I have commanded you.” Note that Jesus didn’t give us permission to say we aren’t ready.

No excuses

Many are uncomfortable with a demonstrative move of God’s power because of things they view as unscriptural or excessive. Yet, what should be uncomfortable to us, even embarrassing, is the lack of God’s power moving in our lives and churches.

Teaching, preaching, praying, or witnessing and seeing nothing happen cannot be explained away with God’s sovereignty. We cannot make excuses for powerlessness. The Word must go forth with power. A powerless Word is the letter of law and death, not the Spirit of life. Power is the realm of the Spirit.

Jesus is perfect theology. Jesus reveals the heart and will of God, and he went about healing everyone. Jesus then told us that the works he did we will also do, and even greater. But this is not automatic.

“Faith is spelled, R-I-S-K” (John Wimber)

The move of God’s power is the answer to the tragic condition of humankind. If we really want to see God move, then we must change the culture of religious excuses and risk moving out in pursuit of solutions to impossible situations. This is not to manipulate God, but instead it is a bold attempt to take Him at His Word. The normal for us should be a supernatural lifestyle that insists that God’s Kingdom is greater than anything we face!

Jews, Greeks, Norwegians, Mexicans

New job

Her and her husband were up early. Got six kids off to school. Then they went to the bus stop to catch their buses each going in opposite directions. They wouldn’t see each other until evening.

Nervously she made her way for the first time into the shop where she would be working. The man who hired her didn’t say much as he showed her where to go. She could feel all eyes watching her as she began to work. A lady nearby greeted her, “Good morning.” She smiled and nodded in return. Later at break time, the same lady introduced herself and asked her where she was from.

Now came the moment she dreaded. As she told the lady her name and where she was from, the others standing near who heard her began to laugh. She looked different and talked different. Her accent betrayed the fact that English wasn’t her first language. She was part of a people group they didn’t understand, and many saw as a threat.

Lately I’ve been thinking a lot about this story. It’s not only true, but it’s about someone very near and dear to my heart—my grandma.

Grandma was from Norway, and in the 1930’s her and my grandpa moved from the farmlands of North Dakota to Portland, Oregon. Many of the experiences they had living, raising their family, and establishing themselves remind me of what Latinos face today.

Understanding others

Many view Latinos, and other minority people groups as a threat. “They’re taking our jobs!” some will argue. But the core of the issue isn’t jobs, it’s a collision of cultures. We don’t understand those who are different, and we fear what we don’t understand.

There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus.” (Galatians 3:28)

God is saying that in his church, in his kingdom, and therefore in the hearts of his people, there should be no distinction of anyone that places them at different levels of acceptance. There must be room for everyone, especially those who are different.

Someone might dread going to work or somewhere else because they are different, but let never be said that you or I were the ones that made them feel that way.

Was the Cross Enough?

Respect the image

Worn around necks, decals stuck on cars, or sitting atop church buildings, crosses are everywhere. Albeit somewhat of a good luck charm, most people have respect for the cross. And most people have some idea of what the cross represents.

Christians are especially respectful of the cross because it represents the horrible humiliation and painful death that Jesus endured. It was on the cross that the debt of sin for all mankind was paid. But was it enough?

“How ya doin?”

Many Christians when asked how they’re doing spiritually will respond with a sense of guilt, “I need to read my Bible more.” Or, “I need to pray more.” Or, “I need to go to church more.”

We could all use more of these, but to say we need them in order to be “doing better” can actually be very disrespectful of the cross.

Jesus canceled out every legal violation we had on our record and the old arrest warrant that stood to indict us. He erased it all—our sins, our stained soul—he deleted it all and they cannot be retrieved! Everything we once were in Adam has been placed onto his cross and nailed permanently there as a public display of cancellation. (Colossians 2:14, TPT)

Notice the totality of what Jesus did. He erased ALL of our sins! He deleted it ALL permanently! In other words, nothing else needs to be done. Saying that anything else is needed is not only disrespectful of the cross, but also of the Savior who died upon it.

The cross took care of everything. Period.

You Were Made for More


Many of the things people accomplish don’t require God. The tap into their human talent to accomplish what mankind can accomplish, but you were born for more. The reason God didn’t take you to be with Him when you became a Christian is because you have a divine assignment. Your assignment is to invade the impossible.

There is a sense of satisfaction with any accomplishment, but God wants you to experience the satisfaction of having His power flow through you. Power that allows you to see cancer disappear, lives restored, and demons sent running, all flowing from faith that believes all things are possible with God.

What has God said?

The Angel Gabriel gave Mary a message from God that was beyond comprehension, “You will give birth to the Son of God.” Mary was blown away. She asked, “How can this be?” Gabriel answered with these words, “For with God nothing will be impossible.”

Bible teacher Jack Taylor did an excellent word study on this verse. He discovered that the word “nothing” is actually two words, “no” and “thing”; and the word “thing” is rhema in the Greek, which means “the freshly spoken or revealed word of God”. And the words, “will be impossible” literally mean, “without ability.” Therefore the actual transliteration of this verse could be…

“No freshly spoken word of God will ever come to you without containing its own ability to perform itself.” (Luke 1:37, JT)

It all boils down to this…what has God said to you? At minimum, you should at least attempt to do what Jesus did, but the fear of looking foolish to others will keep you from responding to what God has said. It’s much easier (and safer) to just stick to those things that can be accomplished with your own ability. But you were made for more!

As a Christian, you weren’t destined to play it safe. You should have an appetite for the impossible. It has been written into your spiritual DNA to hunger for the impossibilities around you to bow to the name of Jesus!