Wildfire is terrifying! It is indiscriminate and totally destructive. People who have faced the power of a wildfire tell of leaving everything and running for their lives, only to return to the ash heap of what used to be their home, possessions, and keepsakes.
Everything is gone.
When you think of fire in these terms, it may seem strange that the movement of God’s Spirit would be likened unto fire. Yet, the removal of things from our lives is as much a part of the work of the Holy Spirit as is the giving of power to us.
God appeared to Moses through a burning bush. It happened while Moses was in a place called Midian watching his father-in-law’s sheep. He had been there for 40 years and was now 80 years old.
He had found a wife in Midian. He had started a family in Midian. He had learned how to survive in Midian. Midian had become his home. Midian had become a nest that Moses was quite content to remain in.
But God was setting everything on fire. God was burning up all the things that were keeping Moses from fulfilling his destiny.
There are people, places, and things in your life that you highly value. You can’t even begin to imagine life without them. But there’s a danger that these things which seem so important can actually keep you from experiencing the new things God want’s to work in your life, potentially missing the purposeful destiny that He has for your life.
God’s fire burns that which you really don’t need, to make room for what you could never have otherwise. His fire gets you out of the nest and soaring into what He created you for.
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