Hey church family!
These are the faces of our Regen group of 16 that has just landed in San Francisco, with a two hour layover before we fly down to Panama, and then finally to Paraguay. God has proven faithful so many times during the preparation for this trip, and did so again today. We are taking many supplies down with us (16 suitcases worth to be exact), including some key items that were specially ordered. One item, a projector screen for a church, hadn’t come in yet and was expected any time until 9pm. Our team didn’t lose faith as our departure time fast approached, and we prayed that the package would arrive before we had to leave. Within the next 10 minutes the UPS truck pulled in with our package, praise God! It’s so amazing to know that the Lord provides in the little moments as well as in the big ones.
We have a ton of amazing things planned during this trip including a youth camp at a local school we’ve been supporting the past few years, a Pastor’s conference where Miriam Piper will be teaching about deliverance, and we’re even giving the oldest Four Square church in Asunción a facelift as we do some needed renovations (a massive thank you to those who donated to our trip so that these plans could become a reality). The team is so excited for what God has in store for us and for the people of Paraguay. We are praying that His Spirit moves in a mighty way and that we are able to reveal God’s limitless power and unending love to every single person we come in contact with.
Thank you for all your support, and we ask that you continually keep us in your prayers as we spend the next 28 hours traveling. We are contending for many things this trip, but one theme that continually stands out is the idea of restoration; God wants to restore broken and damaged relationships, past hurts, health, and so much more. We are expectant for amazing things to take place these next few weeks, so stay tuned!
Praying for your trip and for amazing things and protection by God.