Well church fam, we’re getting close to the end of our time here in Paraguay but there are still big things left where God will be able to move. Our team hosted a Pastors Conference at our hotel for all Four-Square pastors and their leaders. Miriam Piper has spent the past two days doing an in-depth teaching on deliverance and how to obtain freedom in Christ from oppressions. Her audience was captivated and took extensive notes as she talked about how strongholds and oppressions come in different forms and how to get rid of them. Miriam ended each of her teachings by praying against certain oppressions and declaring deliverance over the people.
Then, Becca Smith spoke on the importance of pouring into younger generations and practical ways of doing so. She talked about how young people are our future, so pouring into them is crucial. We need to encourage and love them so that they can feel the love of Christ. After she spoke, we did a Q&A and discussed some very interesting questions about deliverance, spirits, and more. Lastly, Pastor Joel taught on Colossians 3:18-24 discussing women in the church, marriage, and children. This conference was such an amazing experience, and the Holy Spirit moved strongly throughout. Many chains were broken, people were freed, and peace and clarity were brought to many uncertain topics and situations.
Tomorrow is our last day in Paraguay, and though we are very sad to leave we are excited to reveal the new stage design to the church congregation in Barrio San Pablo. We will be visiting them tomorrow night as we attend their church service, and we know God is going to do awesome things through those people. That church will be a light and source of hope to that community, and it has been a blessing to aid them in that process. Please join us in prayer as we contend for those people as well as the churches of the pastors who came to the conference; God is doing great works in Paraguay.
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