A multi-story office building is being built. It’s a job being done by men who not only take pride in their work, but also in being men. Strong and capable.
One afternoon the job site went silent, except for the sound of one of the welders doing something he had never done before—sing.
Everyone was looking at him and he could feel it, but he didn’t give in to the fear. He kept singing. One guy said, “Hey check him out,” then quipped, “he’s regular Pavarotti!” Everyone laughed.
What they didn’t know was that this welder was singing in spite of some very scary news. Just that week his wife’s doctor had told them that her kidneys were failing. This strong capable man felt helpless and powerless.
But this welder knew something that was more powerful than any bad report from a doctor, or any other source. He knew what he was singing, who he was singing about, and who he was singing to, made all the difference in the world.
The bible calls it a new song.
A new song can be sang in the best of times, or worst. It is a song that rises from within and is empowered by a fresh realization of who God is and what he’s capable of doing.
Like anything new, a new song is not something that comes easy or is comfortable. The first time you sing a song of praise and thanks to God that is birthed from something incredibly good or bad can be scary, but that is when the real power of praise is released. Praising God establishes God’s victory and pushes back darkness. It can even shut a job site down, but keep singing!
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