Sweet Spots and Comfort Zones

Feels good!

There’s something magical about connecting a golf ball with the sweet spot of a golf club. Next to putting the ball in the hole (in as few strokes as possible), hitting the sweet spot on a golf club is the coolest feeling in the game! The ball goes higher and farther with no extra effort. The club head is doing the work.

To regularly hit a golf ball with the sweet spot of the golf club takes practice. Lots of practice. Hours, days, months, and years of practice.  Nothing this good comes easy, but the results make it worth all the work. This is why sweet spots can never be confused with comfort zones.

Don’t settle

When people settle for what’s comfortable, they disqualify themselves from experiencing what’s amazing. But when people who exchange being comfortable for the incredible experience of seeing the power of God at work in their lives they go to new level. They began to accomplish things that they could’ve never done on their own. Things they have dreamt about doing all their lives start to become reality.

Your life may have areas that have not turned out exactly as you’d hoped, but God has something amazing in you. Inside of you is God-given potential and destiny. You’ve been destined to accomplish incredible things. But these things will only be unlocked when you step out of your comfort zone and into the sweet spot of his calling on your life.

“Take full advantage of every day as you spend your life for his purposes.” (Ephesians 5:17, TPT)

Even when things haven’t worked well or don’t seem to amount to much in your life, remember, God is with you. He’s for you, and he’s working on your behalf. God knows how to connect you with the sweet spot of his calling and purpose for your life. That’s better than any golf shot, and a whole lot less frustrating.




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