Our church is called Escondido Christian Center. For short we call it, the Center Church. I like that. Being a center for people to gather. Being a center for ministry. Being a center for God’s work to be accomplished.
The Center also implies balance. I especially like that.
Staying balanced is very important to me. I try to achieve it in all areas of my life. And when it comes to my responsibility of leading a ministry I feel it is imperative. There are so many pendulum swings that can occur. Staying balanced between the Word and the Spirit is key.
This is why I am so proud to be a part of the Foursquare Church.
The vision, the inception, even the name “Foursquare” was, and is, totally about balance. It flows from an insight that the Holy Spirit gave the founder, Aimee Semple McPherson, in July 1922, while she was leading revival meetings in Oakland, CA. Here’s what she wrote…
In Luke 5:18 and Mark 2:3 we read of a man who was sick of the palsy. Four men let the man down into the midst of the assembled multitude where Jesus was. Four cords were used in lowering him to the place where he might feel the touch of the Masters hands.
These four cords might be likened unto Salvation, the Baptism with the Holy Spirit, Divine Healing, and the Coming of the Lord.
(1) These cords are strong enough to support the life of person.
(2) We need all four of them if we are ever to lower this suffering and needy world to the humble and blessed place of mercy at the Masters feet.
(3) If we cut or drop one of these cords, we are likely to spill the man off.
(4) All four should be used together, and the man may be lowered with perfect safety and surety.In letting down the poor old world into the presence of Jesus, every rope should be kept even; that is, the Gospel should be preached foursquare.
Preach salvation only and, though you are reaching the unconverted, the Christian will be starving for deeper truths whereon he must feed to grow in grace.
Over-emphasize the baptism with the Holy Ghost, slack up on the other cords, and, in spite of yourself, you will spill the sick man.
Preach nothing but divine healing, devote the major part of your time to ministering to the physical instead of the spiritual needs of man, and you are in danger of tilting him off; for his bed has become unbalanced.
Preach nothing but the pre-millenial coming of the Lord Jesus, and a laying aside of all work of evangelism must one go forth before we meet Him and again the balance is lost. Occupy till He comes and the conversion of the sinner is lost sight of, and before you know it, the man is slipping perilously near the edge in that direction.
The four cords must be equally divided. The weight upon each must be equally distributed. If not, the people will become discouraged or fall off. Then, instead of having a blessing, you have a wreck on your hands. Lord, help us to have poise, and equilibrium, and to preach a well-balanced Foursquare Gospel.
To be Foursquare means facing an issue directly, preaching the truth in an unflinching way. It means that we shall never be lopsided.
I pray the Lord will never allow us to become “lopsided” in any area, except in our love for Him!