A Dog Named Lucky

Johnny Carson read one night on The Tonight Show an item from the lost-and-found column of a Midwestern newspaper:

“Lost dog–brown fur, some missing due to mange, blind in one eye, deaf, lame leg due to recent traffic accident, slightly arthritic. Goes by the name of ‘Lucky.’”

It’s funny to me how many people actually believe in luck.  I know people who hang their lives and decisions on certain numbers, days, etc. that they consider lucky.  They believe there are fortunes and notoriety to be had all attributed to luck.  They might’ve been listening to this guy:

“Everything in life is luck.” (Donald Trump)

Based on his success it would seem Donald Trump must have a bunch of luck.  So what is luck and where does one get it?  After extensive research I have discovered that luck is found at the end of a rainbow and guarded by a leprechaun (please remember where you heard it, and best o’ luck finding it).

Seriously though, sorry to get spiritual on you, but luck isn’t even a biblical concept.  Blessing is.  Curse is.  But not luck. Either you’re blessed or you’re cursed.  And the Bible teaches us that sin has cursed our lives, but Jesus has taken away that curse.

Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us.” (Ga 3:13)

God has taken people who resemble the dog Johnny Carson was talking about, and calls them “Blessed.” And when you see a rainbow forget about the pot of gold.  Instead think of the God who created it also created you and wants to bless your life.

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