Every Thursday I write a blog. Every Friday I want to quit blogging.
It’s not that I don’t have things to say. I genuinely want to help and encourage people with my words. I pour hours of thought and prayer into what I write, but the fact is only a few people take time read my blog.
The few “likes” on Facebook about my blog are appreciated, and the comments (even one word “Amen” ones) are like gold. But somehow I can’t escape wondering if anybody gets what I’m saying, let alone cares.
When you deliberate over the structure of a sentence and the words used in it that best translates what’s in your heart, you want somebody to get it. You want somebody to know you care. You want somebody to take it to heart.
God’s Blog
There’s no comparison to anything I write to what God has written. His words are eternal, spiritual, and life giving. So I can’t help wonder if he gets bummed with the way His writings go unnoticed. Psalms tells us…
The Lord looks down from heaven on the children of man, to see if there are any who understand, who seek after God. (Psalm 14:2, ESV)
God is wondering if anybody is interested in him, much less what he’s written. Does anybody get it? Get him? Imagine how discouraging it would be to write words with miraculous power attached to them, yet no one seems to interested.
God’s poured out his heart and hopes for people. He’s given keys to blessing and instructions for living. But even though God’s word occasionally gets the nods of people, even a few “amens,” people aren’t really reading and absorbing the things he’s written.
Every morning God writes
Today, before you got up, God was already writing. He was pouring out all sorts of thoughts, plans, and hopes for you. He has instructions for that tricky relationship. He’s giving insights for that breakthrough you need. He’s at the end of the day and showing you how to get there.
Then as you absorb his words, you find they then come out of you to encourage others and remind them how much God loves them. You start to understand not only what God has written, but who he is, and you want others to know too. You can’t stop talking about him, whether anyone listens to you or not.
And you can’t stop blogging about him, whether anyone reads it or not. I want to remember this tomorrow, but he’ll be up early writing stuff to remind me.