Some Trust In Strongholds

One morning King David was reflecting on his battle conquests. A song began to rise within him…

“Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.” (Psalm 20:7, NIV)

David knew what it was like to face enemies who had put their trust in their weaponry, only to see them fall in defeat. He also knew about another enemy who laid in wait for him. This enemy was stealthy, looking for David to put his trust in anything other than God.

A stronghold is anything a person trusts more than God

Trust is an expression of faith. Whenever a person puts their trust in something other than God it allows Satan to gain access and build a stronghold. This is why the Bible tells us…

“Do not give place to the devil” (Ephesians 4:27, NKJV)

The word “place” in Greek is “topos”. We get our word “topography” from the same word. Literally we are being warned to not give “territory” our lives to the devil, because that surrendered spiritual geography a becomes place where he can build a stronghold.

Satan and his hosts of spiritual darkness are attracted to misplaced trust. They do not care where a person’s trust is placed, just as long it’s not in God. Proverbs gives us an interesting word picture about the connection of trust and strongholds…

“One who is wise can go up against the city of the mighty and pull down the stronghold in which they trust.” (Proverbs 21:22, NIV)

The key phrase is, the stronghold in which they trust. If you can find the place where a person has placed their trust in other than God, you will find a stronghold that has been fortified by Satan’s power.

But God’s wisdom empowers us to identify and dismantle Satan’s strongholds.

Trust Attracts

Anything that earns our trust, other than God, attracts the demonic. But faith also attracts. Faith draws in the power of God and His resources. Even angels are attracted when we put our trust in God because they are assigned to us as, “ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation,” (Hebrews 1:14).

Trusting God is a privilege that is strengthened through knowing His Word and promises. My friend Dick Mills once told me that he had memorized over 7,700 promises in the Bible. As a result, thousands and thousands of people were ministered to by strength that Dick had as he spoke God’s promises over their lives.

What stubborn issues are you facing? God’s strength is available to you right now. Put your trust is Him, and watch the strongholds of habits, bondages, generational issues, demonic attack, etc., fall in defeat.

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