Does Anybody Care?


Lonely in a crowded room

American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow described loneliness this way…

Ships that pass in the night, and speak to each other in passing. Only a signal shown, and a distant voice in the darkness.

This cold feeling of isolation is ubiquitous for so many people. They live life wondering if anyone notices them. They face difficulties wondering if anyone cares. David echoed the heart of the lonely when he said…

I look to my left and right to see if there is anyone who will help, but there’s no one who takes notice of me.  I have no hope of escape, and no one cares whether I live or die. (Psalms 142:4, TPT)

To people who feel this way, how comforting the message of Jesus should be…

The Son of Man has come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10)
I’ve come so they can have real and eternal life, a more and better life than they ever dreamed of. (John 10:10, Message)
The mere sound of his name will signal hope, even among far-off unbelievers. (Matthew 12:21, Message)

People who follow Jesus should be saying, “Yes! I care!”

Absolutely Jesus cares for people, but we are the ones who communicate the reality of his love and care.

For when you demonstrate the same love I have for you by loving one another, everyone will know that you’re my true followers. (John 13:35, TPT)

Jesus calls his people to be a positive force. We are the flesh and blood, hands and feet of Jesus. Yet the message from people who claim to be followers of Christ can become cold and distant if it doesn’t connect with people’s hearts.

The gospel is not just about getting us to heaven, but also about bringing the life, power, and resources of heaven here to the people of earth. There is no person too isolated that can’t be reached. The message of Jesus is good news for the lonely heart!

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