Gideon’s Grandson

A Grandfather’s Legacy

The old man Simeon took the baby and held him in the air. Everyone in the temple could hear him crying, “Thank you God. I can now die in peace, for with my own eyes I’ve seen your salvation.”

Two generations later…

A group of young men were walking home from the rabbinical school of Shammai.  One of them was talking about his grandfather, when the others interrupted, “Oh no! Here we go again! We’re tired of hearing that same old story about your grandfather praying at the temple and how he got to hold the baby Jesus.”Simeon’s grandson quit talking. His mind raced through all the stories he’d been told…

…stories about how God’s Spirit would come upon his grandfather and show him things.
…stories about how his grandfather had held a baby he swore was the Messiah.
…and many stories about how from that day forward his grandfather was never quite the same. 

One of his classmates nudged him back into the conversation, “Do you agree with your grandfather and all these other crazy people that Jesus is the Messiah?” “No. Well, I mean…” he stumbled for words. The others laughed.

Something Was Stirring in Him

Simeon’s grandson finally made his way home. Tired from the day’s activities, he laid down in his room. “I don’t know, maybe my grandfather was crazy,” he thought to himself.  “After all, my dad has never bought into any of it.” In fact, it was his father who demanded that he go to the conservative school of Shammai where he was to be taught the right way to believe. 

Something inside was pressing him so hard that he said, “God, I believe in you. I believe in the promise of a coming Messiah. My grandfather believed that Jesus was the Messiah. I’m not sure what to believe. Please help me.”

The room was flooded with a strange warmth. His heart pounded. Suddenly he was standing in a room glistening with colors and light. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He saw a man who he knew to be his grandfather. And standing next to him was another man who reached out his hand. This man said his name in a way that made everything else fade. He knew who it was and began to cry out, “Jesus! Jesus! Jesus!”

Never the Same

“Get up! You’re going to be late!” yelled his dad. It was morning and he had overslept. As he gathered his things and ran out the door, the memory of what he had experienced filled his thoughts. Was it a dream? Whatever had happened he felt different. He could tell something had changed inside of him. He knew he wasn’t crazy. And neither was his grandfather. 

Simeon’s grandson from that day forward was never quite the same.

“I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” (Joel 2:28, NIV)


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