God Encounters Through People

What happened at church?

If someone were to ask you what the most memorable and positive thing that’s happened to you at a church service, what would it be? For the people in the church I pastor it’s no doubt one of my sermons.

Just kidding.

Seriously though, the most memorable thing that happens at church should be some kind of an encounter with God. Like a revelation of how much He loves them. Or, a reminder of a promise He’s made to them. Or, a melting of a hard heart. A healing. An encouragement. A miracle.

What’s important to realize though is that an encounter with God most often is done through people. For sure God’s Spirit is involved, but God uses people. And not specific people with certain qualifications, but just people. Listen to these words,

Each person is given something to do that shows who God is: Everyone gets in on it, everyone benefits. All kinds of things are handed out by the Spirit, and to all kinds of people!” (1 Corinthians 12:7, The Message)

God-given things

People may love and need my sermons (work with me here), but actually I need something they have just as much. It’s probably not a sermon, but it’s something that the Lord’s given them for me and for others. And it’s not until they release that God-given thing that people will experience a God encounter.

Imagine what church would be like if we all allowed God to use us in the specific areas He has assigned to us. There would be few people saying, “Church is soooo boring.” There would be less comments like, “Where do I fit in?” or, “I wish somebody would just notice me.” Instead there would be talk of how awesome God is. And talk of how he sent someone to minister exactly what they were longing for. In other words, a God encounter.

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