Jesus In Black Robe


Would you want to become a Christian if you were told that your role in church would be limited, solely because of your gender?

Jesus in black too?

At this year’s Golden Globe Awards, the stars banded together in all-black dresses and outfits to make a statement against the epidemic of sexual harassment and inequality against women in the entertainment field, as well as all other workplaces.

Too many Christians only took note of the anti-Trump ad hominem, without seizing the opportunity to support something dear to God’s heart: the equality of women.

Women: the modern slaves

Pro-slavery advocates of the 18th and 19th centuries used five basic tenets based on the Bible to express the heart of their argument:

  1. God established slavery in the Old Testament
  2. Righteous people practiced it
  3. The moral law allowed for it
  4. Jesus accepted it
  5. The apostles upheld it

Slavery was a fact of life in Biblical times. It was not because of any virtue in slavery, but because there was no hope of reform at that time in history. But today, the vast majority of Christians view slavery as a horrible evil, incompatible with the teachings of Christ.

Yet, there is more to defend the practice of slavery in the Bible than there is to limit the role of women

Equally Valuable

When we examine the Bible concerning women, the compelling evidence that the traditional approach subjugating women does not line up with the heart of God. Like slavery, God did not decree the secondary status of women for all time.

There is no longer Jew or Gentile, slave or free, male and female. For you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28, NLT)

Man and woman were created by God to be equal in value but different in roles. God didn’t design us to be the same, nor to do all the same things. He created one male and one female with differing roles and jobs. He created two different genders on purpose, for a purpose.

What’s needed is to lovingly reveal how all women are valuable and precious to God; to embrace God’s design for marriage, family, dignity of life, and sexuality.

And maybe on occasion to dress in black.

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