The Lens of God

A few months ago I got fitted for contacts. After wearing glasses for 40+ years it was amazing to be free of those things hanging over my eyes. But the process of getting the right prescription for contacts was pretty challenging.

My ophthalmologist had me look through a machine with lots of lenses (refraction test) and determined the best prescription. Then the doctor gave me a trial pair of contacts, which I wore for a couple of weeks. I then returned for a follow-up exam prior to ordering the permanent contacts.

The doctor asked me how the contacts were working to which I answered that they were pretty good. She then had me look at an eye chart while wearing the contacts. I was able to read some of the letters, but not all of them. Dissatisfied, the doctor pulled out a round lens and held it in front of my and asked me if that were better. “Yes!” I answered. “Much more clear!”

The Lens of Your Philosophy

All of us have a set of beliefs, ideas, and values that we look at the world through. This view of the world is our philosophy of life. It has been affected and formulated by our upbringing, our experiences, and what we hold true. Like a set of contacts lenses, our philosophy filters how we look at things.

People who don’t believe in the God of the Bible, view the world through a much different lens than those who do. But even among those who do believe in God, there are diverse lenses of philosophy.

When Jesus came to earth, his people couldn’t see Him as the Messiah because the lens of who they thought the Messiah to be filtered what they saw. Today there are people who believe Jesus was the Messiah, but aren’t sure if it’s God’s will to do miraculous things.

God is Holding Up Another Lens

Like my eye doctor who wouldn’t let me be stuck with “pretty good” vision, God is holding another lens for the church…

  • A lens confirmed by His Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit.
  • A lens that can gives us the ability to look at things that are not as though they were.
  • A lens that corrects what the Devil would love us to settle for, and see beyond our fleshly limitations.

This kind of spiritual lens is not welcome in all churches, much less by all Believers. But Jesus said that for us who would believe in Him, He would give us the power to become the sons of God. This is power that will shape your worldview and give you a philosophy that all things are possible.

God loves you too much to let you settle for a religious status-quo. He wants you to believe that His promises are still available, and that He is willing and able to perform them for you. So no matter how long you’ve had those dead religious viewpoints hanging over your eyes, look again at what you see. It’s going to be amazing!!!



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