There’s A Catch

Fishing season

It won’t be too much longer before those of us who fish will be donning our gear with hopes of hookin’ the big one.

When my oldest son Cole was about 6, his grandpa and I took him fishing at a trout farm (if you haven’t done this with your kids or grandkids, you got to do it!). Literally within minutes of having put his little hook in the water, Cole was landing some of the biggest trout I’ve ever seen!

“Daddy! Daddy! Look what I caught!”

I have a video tape somewhere recording the event. Cole was as hooked as the fish. He loved it! In fact, when he was 7 I began buying him better equipment (the Peanuts edition of the Popeil Pocket Fisherman wouldn’t do). Almost thirty years later, Cole is still an avid fisherman.

In the Summer of 1991, Cole and I were sitting in small boat on a beautiful lake high in the Colorado Rockies. We had snuck out before dawn with the promise from the locals that this particular lake was loaded with trout. Sunrise came. No fish. Noon came. No fish. Sunset was soon coming, and still no fish. Not even a nibble. As we were loading our gear in the car, somewhat dejected, Cole asked me “Dad, is there a trout farm around here?”

The next day we came back and gave it another go. We caught some of the most beautiful, hard-fighting trout you’ve ever seen!

More fishing

This story of Cole and me fishing reminds me of how it can be in our efforts to share the good news of Jesus Christ with others. Jesus said,

“Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will make you fishers of men.” (Mk 1:17)

Fishing for men sometimes can be as easy as fishing at the trout farm. It seems like the Lord literally drops someone into you lap. Then at other times it requires patience and perseverance. But no matter how or where we catch men for Jesus, there’s something in all of us that says,

“Daddy! Daddy! Look what I caught!”

God loves it! And I got a hunch he’s got bunch of videos somewhere of us doing it!.

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